Economic Opportunity and Inclusion
Forum members are dedicated to advancing economic opportunity and inclusion for all Americans. We provide financial services to historically underserved communities across the United States. We also invest in local communities through partnerships with local and national nonprofits, economic programs that revitalize neighborhoods and expand opportunities for people across the United States, charitable giving, and volunteerism. We foster diverse talent pools and promote an inclusive workforce to help bolster equitable economic opportunities within our organizations.

Supporting CDFIs and MDIs

We are supporting hundreds of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) by providing over $9.2 billion in capital and financing since the beginning of 2020.

Combatting Inequality

We are dedicated to combatting inequality through a series of important initiatives. These initiatives support minority owned small businesses and provide funding for community organizations that are dedicated to closing the racial wealth gap.

Commitment to Affordable Housing

Forum members are playing a leading role in promoting affordable housing throughout the country. In 2022, Forum banks created or preserved more than 192,600 affordable housing units.

Bringing Those Outside of Banking In

Forum members have long been on the frontlines in the effort to bring unbanked and underbanked Americans into the financial mainstream.

Supporting Diverse Suppliers

Our institutions are committing to partner with diverse vendors and suppliers to support minority and women-owned businesses.

Diverse Talent

Our members recognize that a diversity of talent bolsters competitiveness around the world, helps foster economic opportunity, and leads to better results for consumers, clients, and communities.


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