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Fact Sheets
Fact SheetsPDF
Bank Leverage Capital Requirements
03.04.25 | Capital, other topics
Fact SheetsPDF
Capital and the Nation’s Largest Banks
02.03.25 | Capital, other topics
Fact SheetsPDF
Observations and Recommendations for a New Administration and U.S. Economic Growth
01.24.25 | Regulatory, other topics
Fact SheetsPDF
Key Takeaways B3E Comments
01.22.25 | Basel 3 Endgame
Fact SheetsPDF
Buybacks and Dividends - Supporting the Economy
01.15.25 | Essential to the U.S. Economy
Fact SheetsPDF
Capital Requirements for the Largest U.S. Banks – Separating Fact from Fiction
01.06.25 | Basel 3 Endgame
Fact SheetsPDF
Capital and the U.S. Economy
01.06.25 | Basel 3 Endgame
Fact SheetsPDF
U.S. GSIBs are Committed to Helping Small Businesses Across the Country
11.29.24 | Essential to the U.S. Economy
Fact SheetsPDF
Basel III Endgame - Harming our Capital Markets and the U.S. Economy
11.04.24 | Basel 3 Endgame
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